Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kid's Club at Oly High

Something that I always look forward to on my weekends is serving at my church on Sunday mornings. One branch of our church is at Olympia High School, and I help with Kid's Club in the gym for 1st to 5th graders. I get to set up the speakers and cords and microphones and everything else that goes with the band set-up.

I get up at about 6:45 in the morning, and get to the school at around 7:20ish. I work with Brad, senior sound guy; Connor and Daniel, more recently joined sound guys; and best of all, Ryan, amazing super-smart fix-all-our-problems king-of-sound sound guy. I rank semi-senior sound guy, barely underneath Brad. Anyway, we plug in all the cords and speakers just right and before the worship team arrives we mess around with the microphones and voice effects. We have a sound check with the band, and then pre-service prayer starts around 9:15. After that, Brad, Connor, Daniel, a different Daniel, and I play king of the hill on a giant blow-up slide that is made for the kids once they arrive.

At about 9:50 kids come and we play with the kids for a while. We have board games, the slide, and usually a football or basketball for them. When service starts, we do worship and I play my sax with the band, and that always goes well. At around 9:30-9:45 worship and everything is over, and the kids split up and go to different sides of the gym, and the stage is empty for us to tear down the sound system.

Once we're done coiling the cords and most of the kids have left, it's about 11:30 and I go home and eat lunch! So, there is my weekly routine that I completely love. I can't wait for next week!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Here it finally is!

This blog took much consideration and thought concerning its title. Two whole families working together until we finally came up with the great title. So, I don't have much to post about at the moment, but I will keep all you followers updated regularly...